K9 Spotlight | True Stories about Handlers and Their K9s

K9 Spotlight

K9 Spotlight

Here you can share and find true stories about the handlers and their partners putting our gear to work.

Check back every Saturday for a new winner!

Tactical K9 being lifted


"Submit your story below for a chance to be featured here! You can submit one K9 Spotlight per month, and we'll choose a new story to feature every week! Plus we'll add 1,000 points to your account for sharing your own story! Even better, weekly winners will receive an additional 3,000 points to redeem for sweet discounts or new gear!"

— Your Name & Your K9

K9 Handler, Dog Enthusiast


"In early 2017, I was partnered with Officer Richard Rodden and began my training in Explosives & Firearms Detection. I became his fifth K9 partner and his first non-German Shepherd in his 24 years as an Explosives K9 Handler/Trainer.... "  

— Richard Rodden & Kasey

Law Enforcement / Explosives & Firearms Detection Dog


"Chip is the first K-9 of any discipline for our agency and the first electronic detection K-9 for any state probation and parole agency in the nation....I have the best job there is as Chip's handler, and we look forward to continuing our work throughout South Carolina and wherever else the need arises.... "  

— Benjy Partain & Chip

K9 Handler / Electronic Scent Detection Dog


"After a horrific explosion changed life forever for Christy...her doctors agreed a service dog would add to her quality of life. Frank is a German shepherd that performs life saving tasks for his mom daily... "  

— Christy Cartaginese & Frank

Burn Survivor / Service Dog


"TaterDave loves long walks on the beach and the occasional helicopter flight, raining death from above. She is my best friend and loves doing anything her daddy is doing... "  

— Tyler Brewer & TaterDave

Military Handler


"Señor and I served in the 75th RR together for three years, and we took a few trips together. When I left the regiment, he retired to a buddy of mine and is currently working as a police pup in Nevada... "  

— Kay & Señor

Military Handler


"She has such an unquenchable enthusiasm and drive, which makes her an excellent tracking dog, as well as having an absolute love for people... "  

— Christina & Chelsea

SAR Dog Trainer/Handler & EMT


"I had been praying for a dog that would fit the needs for our community and my home life... I know that Koa and myself will make a huge impact on our community... "  

— Mike & Koa

Law Enforcement / Police Service Dog


"His life here in Arizona has been wonderful. He loves to protect my family and property on command... "  

— Quentin & Jax

Personal Protection Dog


"Our team collaborates with Navajo Police and families. It is a tremendous honor to be a part of this team and to do our best work for these families.... "  

— Amanda & Haro

Civilian Volunteers with 4Corners K9 SAR


"We have accomplished so much together — more than I had imagined, actually. What once started as a dream has become a reality that has exceeded even my own expectations... "  

— Glen & Diesel

Police Officer // K9 Partner


"We saw this Belgian Malinois with a local rescue and set up a time to meet her. Long story short, she came home with us that night, and she hasn’t left our side since. She’s the perfect active companion and goes everywhere with me. "  

— Nick & Greta

Dog Handler/Enthusiast // Active Companion


"I rescued Kilo from a local shelter when he was just 8 weeks old. He was initially trained as my service dog, but after seeing how much he loved interacting with crews at the fire station and how much happiness and stress relief he provided, I decided to train him as a first responder therapy dog. "

— Julie & Kilo

Firefighter-Paramedic // First Responder Therapy Dog


"Whether it is doing search drills or riding on my shoulders at the end of the day, she is always ready to go. Her drive is insane, and every time I put on her harness, she is ready to work. "

— Gavin Mastell & Telli

Ski Patrol // Avalanche Search And Rescue


"I do not believe in coincidences, and neither does my friend. We both agreed that Lady and I were meant to be together....Our journey together has just begun, but I know there is nothing the two of us cannot overcome together. "

— Chad Hessman & Lady

Law Enforcement // Police Service Dog


"If you would have told me three years ago I would end up with a house full of the greatest multipurpose working dogs I know, I wouldn’t have believed you...Life is too sweet, and I thank Shilas every day for being “the dog who started it all” for me. "

— Chaleigh & Shilas

Dog Trainer // Cardiac Alert Dog


"Cyber is an Electronic Detection Dog. He is a member of both the Greenland School District Police Department and the FBI Task Force on Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation. At school Cyber helps the students... On the task force, Cyber looks for any electronics ... leading to the conviction of a bad guy. "

— Tyler Underwood & Cyber

Chief of Police / K9 Handler // Electronic Detection Dog


"I started volunteering at local rescue squad at the age of 16. This was the beginning of my lifetime purpose and passion, helping others... Part of my healing and wellness has been my service dog. Grateful to have a companion who loves me unconditionally and always has my back."

— Brent Ayres & Yeti

Former Firefighter/Paramedic, current Emergency Room Nurse (pediatric specialty) // PTSD Service Dog


"...Hi, I’m Bolt!⚡I’m in training to become one of the best human remains detection (HRD) K9s in the Pacific Northwest.."

— Ben Jack & K9 Bolt

Paramedic // Human Remains Detection (HRD) Dog


"...It is quite a process to become a certified k9 team. Hard work, perseverance and grit. I’ve never looked back. I love it. It is the best career move I’ve ever made."

— Michael O'Neil & Pryor

Firefighter & FEMA K9 Handler // FEMA Search & Rescue Dog


"...there’s NEVER any concern. I know she’s got my back! She loves running on the tread, chasing a ball, swimming, riding on the motorcycle/sidecar, and keeping the house safe from those dastardly squirrels! She’s a true friend and companion."  

— Jason Cain & Ivy

Dog Handler & Enthusiast // Companion & Protection Dog


"Their story became folklore, a reminder to all that even in the darkest moments, hope and salvation can emerge from the unlikeliest of places."

— Michael Dalton & Creed

Dog Trainer // Public Performance Dog


"I didn't want to be a burden on my family or anyone close, yet I realized I needed a "partner" ... or someone that I knew had my back and would protect my family and I; especially at moments when I felt anxious or tense in public, on hikes, or sleeping at night."

— Kaleb Fontenot & Freya

Army Veteran // Companion and Protection Dog


"Six months ago Oswald came home with me for the first time and my life was forever changed..."

— Josie Monnick & Oswald

Dog Handler // Service Therapy Dog


"Milord is a part time sporting dog, part time service dog, and full time active companion. He loves to work in any capacity and never seems to lack enthusiasm.."

— Thomas Shepherd & Milord

Dog Handler // Sporting Service Dog


"We do mostly pet training but lately I've had some opportunities to get back into the working dog community."

— Justin Rigney

with K9 Services Unlimited


"Hello! For 11 years Belgian Malinois dogs have become my missing life... And, helping owners succeed with their dogs. A malinois is not for everyone.."

— Barron Mcnulty Jr. & Kalinka

Dog Trainer // Protection Dog


"We do fundraisers and we buy K9 equipment for K9 units. We help anybody in Florida and across the US. I retired after 35 years in the Sherrifs Office so I want to keep doing what I'm doing to help out. "

— Robert Ramos

with K9's United


"In 2017 I was working for security at a facility in Detroit Michigan that used dogs for perimeter security. That was my first experience with working dogs. If I'd had known that was a thing. I would've done that in the military instead.. The first 2 guys that taught me about dogs just happened to be the best ever to do it.."

— Courtney Wolf

Owner of Wolfhaus K9


"Kai absolutely loves the outdoors, jeeping, and ATVing with me. Because of that, I've been working on building a.."

— Tommie Fabian & Kai

Dog Enthusiast // Adventure Dog


"I got an opportunity when I got out of college to start assiting a gentlemen who was training some police dogs, protection dogs and one thing led to another and I got involved with Sport of Shutzhund at that time.."

— Howard Young

Founder of White Beard K9


"Most of my adult life I worked in the Zoo industry. I used to manage programs primarily for Elephants.. My time there was spent in animal training, developing behaviors.. I spent a lot of time there doing seminars on animal training.."

— Cory Nordin

Professional Manager for Eukanuba


"I've definitely had my ups and downs as a K9 handler. And it's been an emotional ride. But I love it! Being able to work my dog and see how much he loves it really makes me happy and keeps me going."

— Tamie Bradybaugh & K9 Bailey

K9 Handler // SAR K9


"We accepted him to our family because, compared to our 65lb bully/cattle dog, he is actually small and figured they'd be able to bond!"

— Ryan Gilbert and Merlin

Specialty PE Coach & Dog Trainer // Competition Dog


"So what keeps me excited about the dog world is new stuff. I've changed my training system and style for the police dogs.. Like 5 times probably. I just started doing something new last week for the dogs. I've taken some of the pet stuff and brought "

— Eric Stanbro

Of Vaness K9 Academy & Working Dog Radio


"He's been such a great help and I'm soo happy to have him for comfort and support!"

— Colleen Harmon and Skoll

Nurse // Assistance Dog


"Thor, is able to detect my low blood sugars, even sometimes faster than my Dexcom! He even wakes Mommy up to alert her of my low levels, in middle of the night. Thor will show change of behavior, jump on mommy, and stare at her intensely, letting her know I need help..."

— Emilia and K9 Dane

Child with H.I. // Alert Service Dog


"The camera system was developed by a French Special Operations Unit that has a long history of using dogs in their operations.."

— Tatiana Pereira

A member of Caniops Center An


"In my style of decoying you see the real affects right away. We try to make it so simple that even the dog understands it."

— Carlos Ramirez

An owner of CRK9 Dog Training


"While we looked at several dogs we knew instantly that Dane was the right one. They loaded him into my Sergeant's car and when I turned around and made eye contact he instantly snarled and snapped at me. I couldn't help but wonder what I had gotten myself into..."

— Beth Roberts and K9 Dane

K9 Handler // Dual Purpose K9


"When I was training dogs for the Sheriff's Office and i was trying to keep track of all the records for a lot of teams my problem was I was handling paper.."

— Andy Weiman

An Owner of Packtrack


"I was told “this is the perfect dog for you and your mentality Lawrence.” (Go figure) I was in a bad place and she saved my life.."

— Lawrence Ervin and K9 Aurnia

Flight Paramedic & Handler // SAR K9


"I started my agency in 2000, got my first dog in 2002.. I spent 20 years in K9.. "

— Jay Nix

VP of K9's United


"Pablo comes hot out of the gates. He’s been affectionately nicknamed the “Fastest Nose in the West,” by those familiar with his work.."

— Jordan Potts and Pablo

CCSF K9 Handler // Private Sector K9


"What led me to K9 is we were doing a lot of off duty work and one of the officers that I was with asked me to make him a holder for his e-collar remote.. "

— Chris Burns

Owner of C&G Holsters


"We offer a dietary supplement we put on top of their food, doesnt matter what kind of food you feed them.. This way you can get more nutrition out of what you.."

— Joe Fullbright

Naturich's K9 Finest Working Dog Supplements


"We provide extra security to protect staff from violent patients and visitors. Diesel is very good at having an at work personality where he can go from a social dog to a protective dog very quickly. I was in the middle of.."

— McKenzie & Diesel

Owner & Handler // K9 Security


"He said to me 'I have been waiting for about 5 years for someone like you to come in the door so I could offer you a position' I was not prepared for this, at all.."

— Mark Hines

Lead Behavior Training Specialist of KONGTM


"The K9 world evolves but it is taking a lot of the old and modernizing it. Not reinventing the wheel, just finding better ways then what has already been done.."

— Jacques Boney

K9 Trainer and owner of Allegiance Canine


"It's the quiet still of the morning when most creatures and humans are still asleep, that I feel most connected to Pilot. Nothing starts the day better than a few successful tracks!"

— Kristen Berry & Pilot

Owner & Trainer // Obedience, Tracking, Bite Work


"With over 35 years of law enforcement experience and more than 27 years of experience working with police dogs, Andy Weiman is one of the most knowledgeable K9 professionals in the ..."

— Andy Weiman

Retired K9 Trainer/Officer and HITS founder


"My favorite part of being a K9 Handler is going to the school and speaking with the kids about our role and impact in the community. Mainly because it is always a positive experience ... "

— Chris Page & Rochus

K9 Handler // Police K9


"Travis is a military veteran who served four tours of duty as a Special Forces dog handler with his Belgian Malinois named Bear. Travis was fortunate enough to adopt Bear after his retirement. But when Bear passed away due to old age, Travis found himself going through a difficult time mentally..."

— Travis Hall

Second Chance K9 Service Dogs


"With my experience, I felt like I wanted to add a dog to my life, so after a lot of research, I adopted Varlo in May of this year. Varlo has been such a positive part of my life since... "

— Ayla & Varlo

Trainer // K9 Trainee


"Layla is the first dog I have ever had a true connection with. I have owned 14 dogs in my lifetime and have worked with various working dog breeds, pet/companion dogs, show, sport etc. but not one has come close to my unicorn of a dog... "

— Amina Westberg & Layla

Trainer // K9


"After selecting him we attended twelve weeks of training. This is where I started to see what a wonderful asset Andor was going to be. He was a natural at tracking and searching for suspects... "

— Michael Bucher & Andor

Police K9 Handler // K9


"K9 Rio was embedded into the community and conducted over 100 K9 demos. He was part of numerous high profile cases all the way... "

— Kyle Briley & Rio

Police // K9


"I contacted a reputable breeder and had a 5 month old pup shipped to me here in Texas. His name is Yvar Van De Geyshoeve and boy, what a fantastic animal! Smart, agile and dang good looking! Malinois are a handful.. "

— Jef Verswyvel & Yvar

Dog Enthusiast // Veteran Belgian Army


"After or inspite of a difficult and very rough beginning in life, she found love and support working with dogs. Many can identify with this passion.. "

— Constance Baker & Kracken

Deputy Sherriff, Acive Reserve U.S. Army, K9 Trainer // K9


"This dog has kept me going every day while transitioning out of the military, knowing that I have to do better for her.."

— Brennen Casey & Sasha

Owner // Companion & Service Dog


"At 60 years old, I had decided to lighten the load and not take on a new working dog. A post showed up on FB with a story about this fellow. He was slated for euthanasia that afternoon.."

— Cheryl & Jai

Trainer // Companion & Trainee


"I rescued her from a kill shelter where she was waiting to be euthanized and weighed only 35 lbs. Her trauma from her previous owner really put a damper on her sweet soul.."

— Matthew "Bo" Boheler & Maggie

Detection Handler & Trainer in Training // Service Dog, Tracking Training


"We were finally ready for a new addition. My kids and husband have been put through the ringer... it was finally time for a sweet puppy to lift the spirit in our home.."

— Kimber Harris & Rumi

Household CEO // Companion


"4 years ago I suffered a scary seizure that sent me to the hospital. My face basically broke my fall. Breaking my nose in three place, along with other injuries. Soon.."

— Amber Malloy & Cholla

Race Team Manager // Service Dog


"I sent Ranger over a fence to apprehend a felony suspect who was fleeing from his residence. We were able to safely take the suspect into custody however in the process he stabbed Ranger in the stomach.."

— Arian Terman & Ranger

K9 Officer // K9


"has been difficult to adjust my lifestyle and work life balance due to my disabilities until Raven came into my life.."

— Roman Raymond Rodriguez & Raven

Supply Chain Logistics // Service Dog & Companion


"Chase has already made a huge impact on my family and the school. He’s the first k9 to get a hit and arrest. We are constantly training and working to get better every day...."

— Brad & Chase

Police K9 Handler // K9


"Fiona Roxette was a fluke more a unicorn my wife calls her and not just because of her one ear. I have been wanting a partner to be on the boat with me..."

— Andrew & Fiona

US Tow Boat Captain // Companion


"Timon and I joined forces in October of 2021. After nearly 18 years of dreaming of becoming a handler, it finally became reality..."

— John & Timon

K9 Handler // Patrol K9


"When I received K9 Loki he completely turned my life around for the best, he gave me drive to get out of bed, I have prior K9 training experience so I began training Loki..."

— Lynn & Loki

Owner & Trainer // Companion & Service Dog


"Aster came to me at 16 weeks old as one of the most promising puppies of her litter..."

— Aspen & Aster

Owner & Trainer // Companion & Service Dog


"By chance I happen to see a post on Facebook for a guy who had to remove his German shepherd at 12 weeks old about 8 hours away..."

— Evan Crosby & Colt

Owner & Trainer // Companion


"I brought Finn home as a puppy in 2017 after going through one of the darkest bouts of depression and anxiety that I had ever experienced..."

— Brett Schwartz & Finn

Owner & Trainer // Psychiatric Service Dog


"Coss being the first K9 in our town history came with uncertainty as do all new things but has quickly shown his effectiveness in both narcotics detection as well as being a visual deterrent to crime before it occurs..."

— Michael Shedd & Coss

Police K9 Handler // K9


" I started in the K9 training business in 1973, and since that time I have served as the training director for several Schutzhund Clubs an I have also served as a K9 Handler for the 13th largest police department in the United States of America. In all of my years handling dogs..."

— Roland Williams & Alex

K9 Handler & Trainer // Companion & K9


" I served at Ubon RTAFB Thailand with my dog Butch 35M5 for over a year and then Kunsan Korea with my dog Lobo. We protected the perimeter in the jungles of Southeast Asia and the bitter cold and snow..."

— Mitch Mull - Butch & Lobo

Owner & Operator of Mullhaus Kennels // MWD's


"Kelly and Mata have successfully deployed numerous times with commendable apprehensions, tracks and arrests. It is a blessing for them to be a part of the k9 community for the past three years and look forward to many to come."

— Kelly Smith & Mata

K9 Handler, Firearms Instructor, GST Instructor, Constable // Narcotics and Tracking


"Rocky is designed as a point of injury care simulator that replicates common emergencies that working animals may encounter ..."

— Adam Reading

Sales Director for North American Rescue Simulation


"Loki is a 1 year old GSD out of Diehl Police K9 Training Center. He is being trained as the demo dog for our veterans and first responders at K9 Heroes 4 Heroes as well as a future SAR dog."

— Joe Gionti & Loki

Trainer // SAR Training & Companion


"Once I got him home it was obvious he wasn’t your standard pet Malinois. He wanted a job! He was super stable in any environment (even around gunfire)..."

— Tristan Townlet & Yagami

Disabled Dog Enthusiast // Service Dog


"Once I got him home it was obvious he wasn’t your standard pet Malinois. He wanted a job! He was super stable in any environment (even around gunfire)..."

— Toni Matthews & Bulleit

Civilian Police K9 Trainer // PSA Decoy Trainer


"From a young age he had a passion for working dogs along with a hunger to learn. This passion put him on a path to assist with training police and protection dogs..."

— Howard Young (White Beard)

Civilian Police K9 Trainer


"I recently got a new K9 partner, his name is ‘K9 Bolo’ he was generously donated by K9’s of Valor. He is an amazing partner.. he’s already saved my life on the street..."

— Worthless Handler

Owner and K9 Officer


" Found out the "hard" way that someone had put a lot of training in him for bite/protection work. I was getting ready for Halloween when Radar was losing his mind in his crate..."

— Lisa Traxler & Radar

Dog Trainer // PSA K9


" I was given my GSD (Mr Whispers) by my brother when I agreed to rent his house. Living alone and suffering from PTSD..."

— Jeffery Anderson & Mr Whispers

Federal Police // Companion & Therapy dog


"...Since becoming a K9 officer, it's been the best and most rewarding position I've held in my many years of service. Django is a 95lb GSD, and is just as sweet as he is stubborn. Together we have participated in many live fire scenarios..."

— Kashea Estrada & Django

Police Officer // Police K9


"...Our retirement began with long hikes, agility and lots of socialization. When I introduced Giggles to dog sports, she loved them all; but excelled at nose work and dock diving..."

— Lisa Pittarelli & Giggles

SAR Handler & Retired FBI // SAR & Remains Detection


"...We eat, breath, and live K9.. When I first got my first dog it was life changing.. Immediately at once I started owrking a dog, I knew that was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life..."

— Matt Nero and Joe Lutkowski

Joint owners of Blueline K9 Training // Law Enforcement


"...All started In 1983 my first Pit Angel dangling from our maple tree out front. Old garage door spring and a shammy. She amazed all our neighbors to see her jump up and hang what seemed like forever, pulling and tugging, twisting in circles..."

— Ed Farac with Rogue & Neera

Content Creator, Owner & Trainer // Agility & Companion


"...one day, went to Hill Country Dog Center and I received a text of a dog with a comment "Here is your new partner." A couple weeks later and I was attending training with the dog known as Vito. Our learning curve has had a wide arc..."

— Brian Peals & Vito

Sheriff Deputy & SRO // Tracking & Emotional Support


"The best friend I ever had was Ace. After going through the roughest time in my life mentally, Ace was there to get me through. In my scariest time, full of anxiety, he would simply come and just place his head in my lap, letting me know it would be okay because..."

— Mike Lambert & Ace

Dog Enthusiast // Companion


"Gavin and I both knew that Jas was a special dog and deserved to bear the name of an Airborne Ranger in the Sky. Jas was purchased by the Savannah Police Department in the summer of 2019, and became K9 Jas.. at only 3.5 years old, K9 Jas has an impressive career ahead of him, I am just happy to be along for the ride. Without a doubt, K9 Jas lives up to the name he was given..."

— Jon Lindsey & Jas

Police K9 Handler // Narcotics, Patrol and SPD SWAT Dog


"I've been with mission K9 Rescue going on five years. I was a handler before and after Afghanistan they rescued me.. My job is to pair the animals with the adopters.. I started in the civilian world as a handler by accident. I had a dog that was tearing up my apartment so I had to give him a purpose..."

— Tony Villalobos

Pairing Dogs with Adopters for Mission K9 Rescue, Police K9 Trainer


"I am a former Navy SEAL. It has been and honor and a privilege working with several organizations providing demonstration and raising awareness for Veterans. This unexpectedly started my journey in the K9 community and, ultimately why I started..."

— Dale McClellan & Storm

Former Navy Seal & Handler // Companion & MWD


".. I thought of Shasta as a therapy dog. He was calm, rarely barked and loved people.” Denise is a nurse practitioner and very passionate about pets. When a volunteer director at Adventist Health heard about Denise’s passion, she reached out..."

— Andrew Hanus & Beni

Retired Air Force // Retired MW


"Dez was born and raised for law enforcement. He started his police career with my brother in law at about 18 months. A few solid months into training , he made the difficult decision to wash Dez from training. He was a phenomenal tracker, but he wouldn’t bite..."

— Ed Abrahamson & Dez

Retired Law Enforcement // Service Dog


"Military Working Dog Axel N677 was my first MWD when I was a handler in the US Navy. We had great times working together and I was thrilled to adopt him when he retired, and continue to get to spend my days with him..."

— Luke Timmons & Burt

K-9 Dog Handler // K-9


"Military Working Dog Axel N677 was my first MWD when I was a handler in the US Navy. We had great times working together and I was thrilled to adopt him when he retired, and continue to get to spend my days with him..."

— Jake Stanley & Axel

Dog Handler // Military Working Dog


"I got started by going to Europe.. met some friends and they asked me to catch dogs.. at nineteen years old they were like here put this suit on.. and they bring out this massive malinois and I thought I was gonna die..."

— Ted Summers

Co-host Working Dog Radio, Program and Training Director for HRD Police K9, and Owner of Torchlight K9


"We rescued a 2 year old Australian Cattle Dog. From the local shelter the story they told me he was living in NC in someone’s garage for 2 years and he didn’t have much human..."

— Jonathan Laserinko & Coyote

Dog Enthusiast // Companion


"..Karma and I work specifically at the Anamosa State Penitentiary, where we recently had 2 staff members murdered. Karma and I responded to the emergency and one of the suspects surrender to my partner. We are members of the USPCA..."

— Damon Van Bogart & Karma

K9 Handler // Dual Purpose K9


"I was a Marine, and then a mechanic for 20 plus years, when I realized, I would rather be working with dogs, than cars. Don't get me wrong, I loved working on cranes...but it is much more rewarding to work with dogs. My goals are to continue training Search and rescue dogs..."

— Jon Bonnette & Izzy

Air Force Combat Controller // Bite Training


"Not only is Hades trained in protection, he loves playing and hiking with our family. He has been training in bite work for the past two years, and we rely on Ray Allen harnesses during his training sessions. He instantly knows when his “work kit” goes on, it is time to go..."

— Rick Mallow & Hades

Air Froce Combat Controller // Bite Training


"I've been a police officer for 20 years, was in K9 for 18, SWAT for 9. Those entire 9 years that I was on SWAT I was responsible for being the SWAT dog handler.. and then really kind of specializing in small unit tactics because we were a small agency..."

— Todd Thompson

Police Officer & K9 Handler // Patrol, Narcotics & SWAT Tactics K9


"Not long ago I was serving as a Lieutenant in Crime Suppression; never thinking I'd be a K9 handler on patrol, but it's funny how life comes at you. Even with the little experience training my personal German Shepherd; when I was approached with the opportunity of taking on a new K9 (Hana) as a partner... "

— R. Jay Phelps & Hana

K9 Handler // Drug Detection K9


"I started volunteering at a young age, in scouts and 4H, so it's been a part of me for a long time. I've also always had and loved animals. After graduating college with a degree in equine management (and training), I spent several years... "

— Melissa Kindt & Hawk

K9 Trainer // Human Remains Scent Detection K9


"... I’ve always been drawn to helping others. Working in the District Attorneys office I learned more about the prosecution side of crimes and had the opportunity to work with our court dog who helped child victims of sex crimes testify in court. I saw the power and safety dogs gave those victims and my heart knew I had to get more involved in becoming a handler..."

— Jancy Thompson & Hera

K9 Handler // Explosives Detection K9


" Xena and I work fulltime Interdiction for The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics. I also serve as our Sr trainer and instruct our OKC tarining group made up of over a dozen other agencies. I have trained animals in some form or another for most of my life. When I was chosen for the K9 division it was a dream come true. I'm fortunate to work several dogs at any given time..."

— Anthony Moore & Xena

Sr Agent/Sr Trainer Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics Interdiction // Narcotics K9


" I started working K9 Military Working Dogs (MWD) in The USAF in 2001. Fell in love with it and after retiring from the military went right back into K9 explosive detection for The Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Viper was bounced around from 2 previous handlers who could not properly work or handle an 80lb Belgian Malinois...."

— Damian Phillips & Viper

Explosive Detection Canine Handler for Department of Homeland Security // DHS K9


" Jester and I were paired up in July of 2019. This is the first time In my career of over 20 years to have a K9 partner. What I didn’t know at the time is how lucky I was he came into my life...."

— Thomas Spicer & Jester

Lieutenant // K9 Officer


"There is a reason that Matt Akenhead uses the moniker, The Jaded Dog Trainer. With over 40 years of experience..."

— Matt Akenhead

Trainer & Handler


" K9 Vader is my dual purpose narcotics and patrol dog. We help educate other officers and the public. We strive to be better every day in our training and job. My husband and his K9 Kaiser that we lost to cancer was my...."

— Julia Storey & Vader

SRO Officer // Narcotics & K9 Patrol


" I have been wanting to get Malinois for years. Finding a breeder was the hard part. I found Ivan Balabanov breeder of the Ot Vitosha Belgian Malinois. I placed my order and it took 2 years before I got the call to pick up Sierra. I studied the breed for 5 years and still didn't know what I was really getting into. Thank god I was fit and retired. I have been training her using the..."

— Michael A Caragio & Sierra

Trainer & Handler // Search & Rescue


"I rescued Jack a from the Agoura animal shelter who had been transferred over from the Palmdale Dog shelter/pound. I think we both needed each other more than we knew. As I trained jack to be my service to perform his tasks for me finished his training we then also started into the sport world of Shutzhund/IPO/IGP gaining our titles. Jack is also my personal protection dog and advanced trick dog..."

— Emily Yost & Jack

Trainer & Handler // Schutzhund, IPO, IGP


"West Chicago Fire K9 Thor and handler Baseggio as well as Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Fire K9 Irie and handler Mike Vitale started their search at about 11:30pm... After trailing about a mile in darkness through a neighborhood, through a park, crossing a pedestrian bridge... A police officer then located the victim in the brush in this area near Salt Creek suffering from hypothermia..."

— Todd Baseggio & Thor

Firefighter // Search & Rescue


"Avalanche search is very different than a lot of disciplines. We’re air scenting for very generic human scent. I almost never have a scent article from you (the missing person), to give my dog. So, we teach the dogs to hunt. And, they hunt for scent. And, when they get scent, they alert..."

— Jake Hutchinson

Trainer & Handler // Search & Rescue


"Marsoc is my service dog who saved me from a very dark situation/ place in my life. The dark time I went through inspired me to start my non profit "Paws Against Domestic Violence". Our mission is to save and rescue dogs, train them, certify them, and rehome them with a victim or survivor of domestic violence. We want to put light back in peoples lives. Helping people and helpings dogs...."

— Kathryn Schreiner & Marsoc

Trainer // Protection & Domestic Violence Support


"I wanted a tough dog that could be my partner when I was in the mountains and one that could withstand the elements. And a Siberian Husky fit that... My favorite piece of Ray Allen gear is the Ultimate Padded Leather Collar. I got it for him over three years ago and it has proved it’s worth. In fact, I am certain..."

— Cam Buford & Ragnar

Mountain Dweller // Protection


" I acquired a malinois puppy (Ace) and him and I do everything together. Like Nuke, Ace is extremely well trained in various disciplines, including protection. Ace is fairly unique because he has floppy ears, which I have grown to love. He is truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but most of all, he is my best friend..."

— Steve Miriani & Ace

Retired K9 Cop // Trainer


"Everybody thinks about the war and stuff, but it's not the killing that matters, it's the saving lives... The life and combat areas of trying to change hearts and minds, but protect and heal kids and women who've been traumatized by ISIS. That's what we're very good at, and ISIS hates it."

— Victor Marx

Humanitarian, Trainer, Author, Filmmaker, Public Speaker, Philanthropist


"I grew up with a father that was an officer. I finally got to start my career in 2017. I decided before my career was over in law enforcement I wanted to be a K9 handler. In July 2020 I chose to leave the sheriffs office and join a local PD. I met my K9 partner Luna in September we got along so well her former handler..."

— Christian Walsh & Lunatic-Winters

K9 Officer


"I was working as a veterinary technician out in New Jersey when I first got introduced to the world of K9. I started working with an IPO trainer, and fell in love with the sport. But I knew I wanted to do more, I wanted to be a handler..."

— Veronica Lees & Wolfo

Private Contract EOD // Patrol K9 Handler


"The gear that we use is extremely important. That's 90% of the stuff we're going to be doing... The bite sleeves that we use, the sleeves have to be good ones; safe for the dogs and also safe for the decoy. The suit as well, I mean one misstep or you have a shitty suit you know you're kind of screwed... or not kind of, you are screwed..."

— Mike Jones with Primal Canine

Owner & Head Trainer

You could be next week's K9 Spotlight!