ScentLogix Zero-Odor Extinction Training Aid - Ray Allen Manufacturing

ScentLogix Zero-Odor Extinction Training Aid



Detection Dog Training | Reduce False K9 Alerts | Research-Grade Odors

The Zero-Odor Extinction Training Aid from Ray Allen Manufacturing is a must-have in your dection dog gear kit. This K9 scent training aid provides a desensitizing distraction odor, allowing your detection dog to refocus on the desired target signature. Our Zero-Odor Extinction Training Aid reduces false positives and is used in conjunction with ScentLogix Narcotics Detection Scents or ScentLogix Explosives Detection Scents.

  • Includes one aid and one outer-protector bag
  • 24-month shelf life
Benefits For Handlers
  • Allows for more successful nosework training and real-world missions by reducing the number of false positives   
  • Long shelf life so there’s no need to continuously buy new training aids
Benefits For Dogs
  • “Resets” the K9’s nose, allowing them to hone in on the desired scent
  • Boosts confidence with each use because police dogs are better able to accomplish their task

Read our scent work training blog to learn more about scent work training.

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